ObraLink Supplier
Connect real-time data between the construction site and concrete suppliers through automation.

Why use ObraLink Supplier for automated construction?
Optimize Your Operations with Automation
Monitor the Evolution of Concrete Strength
Using the ObraLink Supplier Console offers several key benefits that can differentiate your company in the market, improving the quality and efficiency of your concrete production. Automation helps you:
- • Stand out by offering value-added concrete:
With real-time access to concrete pouring data, you can offer more advanced and reliable services, outpacing the competition through automation. - • Improve concrete mix and quality:
Real-time performance data from the site allows continuous adjustment and optimization of your mix, increasing efficiency and product quality. - • Enhance service through automated site data transmission:
Optimize mixer logistics and deliveries with real-time data, including poured quantities, future planning, visibility, and forecasts. This enables better scheduling and reduces cancellations, boosting customer satisfaction through automation.
Automated Concrete Supplier Control
Concrete Logistics Platform
Real-time Concrete Supply Monitoring
Concrete Volume Tracking
Automated Concrete Delivery Planning
Concrete Supplier Console
Construction Supply Automation
Concrete Quality Control Automation