ObraLink Concrete Strenght

Facilitates real-time measurement of concrete strengths using maturity calculations.
ObraLink Concrete Strenght


Why use ObraLink Concrete Strenght

Concrete Strength Measurement with Cibot

Concrete Strength Measurement with Cibot

Reusable Rsense2 Sensors

Reusable Rsense2 Sensors

Through measurements from our Cibot or our Rsense 2 sensors, it offers a unique and differentiating value proposition focusing on process automation, time and cost savings, visualization within a BIM context, and integration with  ObraLink Control.

Thanks to this, you now have two of the daily problems that affect your projects solved; work control and strength measurement, using a single technology. This advanced solution allows real-time measurement of concrete strengths, eliminating the need for manual data collection by on-site workers. This approach not only optimizes resources but also speeds up formwork removal, stripping, and post-tensioning processes, significantly contributing to reducing deadlines and costs in construction projects.